Monday 29 September 2014

Fall Carpet Cleaning Special

Description: Healthy Home News Header
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Description: Macintosh HD:Users:juliecohen:Desktop:MC900300205.WMFFall For This Great Offer And You’ll Be
Thanking Me When The Holidays Arrive!

Hello friend!  I think it is officially FALL around here.  For a carpet cleaner, like me, that is the season that falls between busy and busier.  Sometimes there is a bit of a lull in the schedule between the frenzy of summer cleanings and the craziness of holiday cleanings.  So, to keep busy this month, and to help you get ready for guests early, I’m making you an offer you can’t refuse. 

Why Not Clean Your Carpets Before Your Life Gets REALLY Busy With Holiday “To Do” Lists And Guests?

October is really a great month to get a jump-start on your to-do lists.  And remember, carpets don’t have to look dirty to need a cleaning.  Just everyday life with foot traffic, pets, kids, indoor pollutants, pollen, house dust, food spills, and dust mites are enough to need to clean every 6-12 months.  After all, once the carpet looks dirty there could be permanent wear and tear.

With that said, the only other reasons people usually postpone cleaning this time of year are:  #1:  They want to wait and clean right before their guests arrive… OR…. #2:  They want to wait and clean right after the holidays – to clean up the messes people make during the holidays.

But here are some even better reasons to clean NOW instead of later:  Reason #1 to clean in October:  Call now and have your pick of the schedule!  If you wait until right before guests arrive you may not get an appointment because everyone else had that same idea.  And, Reason #2 to clean in October:  Call now and I’ll clean any spots and spills right before the guests arrive and even after the holidays for free! 

Need Another Reason To Cross This Off
Your “To Do List” Early This Year?

Reason #3 to clean in October:  HUGE cash discount!  If you call me at 613 228-8343 and clean in the month of October I’ll give you $25.00 cash off your cleaning.  And you get the bonus of spots & spills cleaned for FREE through January 2015!  Now that is an offer to fall for!